
StarClan is an amazing place full of wisdom and truth. Come, step in and join the Cats of the Stars! Remember, this is not strictly StarClan history. Adapt any rank, story or name!

We are the Cats of the Stars, leading you to destiny. We give you visions and prophecies, and though you may feel anger towards us often, we will always lead you. Because we are just. We are kind. We are rulers. We are

StarClan. δταℜςιαℵ¸

Yes, this is the role play for the cats of the stars. All the fallen kits and warriors, every StarClan-loyal cat who dies ascends to this cat heaven, and StarClan sends prophecies and visions down to the medicine cats, or even destined ones (like our beloved Firestar). Come, take your place in the ranks of stars!


One thought on “StarClan

  1. Lavashadow opened her eyes, expecting to find ThunderClan’s warrior’s den but instead finding Bluestar, former leader of her Clan waiting for her. When Bluestar was aware that Lavashadow was awake and opening her mouth, she said, “You are not a member of StarClan yet. I needed to speak to you.”
    Bluestar parted her jaws and out came an aged, mystic meow.
    >”When two come together, water will flow.”
    Lavashadow blinked and found herself back in the warrior’s den. “What does that mean?” she wondered, then noticed Sparrowpelt watching her. He blushed and looked away, and they both settled deeper in their nests. But Lavashadow couldn’t fall asleep. When she finally did, her dreams were filled with flowing water that filled the ground and ascended higher and higher until it finally came above her head. Lavashadow was gasping for breath until someone nudged her and she opened her eyes to find Sparrowpelt with a worried yet amused look on his muzzle. She looked around and realized with horror that she had been floundering in Sparrowpelt’s belly fur! That’s why she wasn’t able to breathe.
    Lavashadow turned and ran out of camp, a million thoughts racing through her mind.


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